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RealTheater e-mail promotion



E-mail subject:
Peace Research Project RealTheater - Development of Best Case Scenarios for a Future Society

Dear Sir or Madam,

The peace research project RealTheater would like to introduce itself.

The Stanford prison experiment (1) has shown that deliberately constructed scenarios and simulations can become alive and real when they run for days. The shock was so great that since then the courage to research such powerful social projects is lacking.
The Stanford prison experiment was a worst case scenario. However, a corresponding project with a best case scenario has never been initiated. This is exactly what will be done in the RealTheater project.

War is old. A complete peace, which never turns into war, does not know our species - the peace researcher calls the "structural peace". The aim is to develop such a best case scenario in a group or in an experimental Village of Peace or in a future peace town interdisciplinary. No one claims that this task is easy - but it is possible today.

The RealTheater wants to create a self-constructed reality of social beauty, which can be further developed in the long term, by means of group simulation, with ingredients from theatrical education, improvisational theater, Live Action Rolling Game, alter ego / avatar, Lucid dream (1) , Real-Life Simulation and a pinch of radical constructivist (1) philosophy.

It is a fundamentally new form of peace research work that combines the existing knowledge from several disciplines into a new whole.
This can only be implemented if appropriate resources and technical capacities are ensured.

If you are interested in the development of this future-oriented, avant-garde project or support, then you have the opportunity to be part of something completely new.

For further information, please visit www.realtheater.de

Best regards

Hans Mack
Beautician, cabaret artist, peace activist
Artist name: Neo von Terra
Germany: Nuremberg / Berlin
Mobile: +491577 3815277
E-mail: (x-art@web.de)
Web: www.neo-von-terra.de





Project RealTheater:
RealTheater - Concrete Utopia - Experimental Peace Research
2.  Fundamentals: Philosophy - Communication Research - Constructivism
3.  Fundamentals: Artistic background - acting know-how
4.  RealTheater & lucid dreams
5.  RealTheater & Love Research: Science of Love, Human Love Project
6.  RealTheater & Love art: Love & Sex in a future society
 Project RealTheater - Detailed Informationen about the pilot project

Peace Research 2.0
1.  We need a mobilization of peace research
2.  Solution to the dispute of the standpoints: polycontextural logic
3.  The age of communication needs a new conflict culture
4 . What ist "structural peace" and "structural democracy"

5.  Peace Engineering & Peace Architecture - We need a Peace Town!
6.  United World Project - From the I to the We
  Peace Research TV - New peace ideas need light and a network







-=> Continue to: - Project RealTheater - 1. Experimental Peace Research - A concrete Utopia =>

[  Project RealTheater  |  Peace Research 2.0   |  Peace Research TV |   RealTheater-Newsletter  |  E-Mail (x-art@web.de)  Neo von Terra  | About us

Text: Neo von Terra  alias Hans Mack  (1)   2017
The author of this site is a freelance artist and works as a peace activist, cabaret artist and schaue-teacher

We are looking forward to support or cooperation! (1)